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Table 1 Data structure for the different input layouts

From: Metabolite AutoPlotter - an application to process and visualise metabolite data in the web browser

Input style


File types

Essential columns

Additional columns


Both, metabolites and samples along rows

.csv or .xls(x)

Compound1, Filename, Area

Actual RT2, Formula2+3, Adduct2, m/z (Apex)2, m/z (Delta (ppm))2 or m/z (Delta)2

Compound Discoverer

Metabolites in rows, samples in columns

.csv or .xls(x)

Compound, RT [min]4+5, Filename as: "Area: "+ "filename"+".raw (F"number")" or "Norm. Area: "+ "filename"+".raw (F"number")"

Molecular Weight2+5 ,Mass5, Formula3

Compounds in Columns

Samples in rows (sample names in first column) metabolite names in first row (column 2-n)

.csv or .xls(x)

Samples in first column, name of column is ignored

Not allowed as they will be interpreted as metabolites

Other - List

Both, metabolites and samples along rows

.csv, .xls(x), tab-, comma, semicolon separated files

4 columns in defined order, describing the Metabolite1, RT6, Filename and Area

Will be ignored

Other - Matrix

Metabolites in rows, samples in columns (inverse of compounds in columns)

First 2 columns containing Metabolite7 and RT6+8, following columns containing the samples

Not allowed as they will be interpreted as metabolites

  1. All imports need to have (only) one header row containing the column names. When Excel files are used, the data are expected in the first sheet. Remarks: 1-cannot contain empty values or duplicated names. 2-used for metabolite summary. 3-used for subtracting naturally occurring isotopes. 4-used to combine compound names with retention time (RT) as compound name typically contains duplicates. 5-used to label unknowns. 6-column RT can be empty but needs to be present. 7-Compounds can contain duplicate names as long as RT is supported to merge names and RT