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Fig. 4 | Cancer & Metabolism

Fig. 4

From: Fumarate hydratase-deficient renal cell carcinoma cells respond to asparagine by activation of the unfolded protein response and stimulation of the hexosamine biosynthetic pathway

Fig. 4

13C enrichments from Asp and Gln in uridine nucleotides. Nucleotides for UOK262WT (WT) and UOK252FH−/− (KO) under different conditions were quantified by IC-MS as described in the “Methods” section. An unpaired two-tailed t test was used for statistical comparisons. a Total uridine in μmole/g. UOK262 + Gln + Asn versus +Gln-Asn p = 0.148; + Gln + Asn versus –Gln + Asn p = 0.422. b, c, d13C fractional enrichment from 13C/15N Asn and 13C/15N glutamine in uridine, uridine monophosphate, and uridine diphosphate, respectively. Cx_Ny are isotopologues that contain x13C and y15N atoms. Upper: WT versus KO for 13C15N Asn alone and for 13C15N Gln alone. WT 13C15N Asn, KO 13C15N Asn, WT 13C15N Gln, KO 13C15N Gln. Lower: WT versus KO for 13C15N Asn with 12C14N (unlabeled) Gln and for 12C14N (unlabeled) Asn + 13C15N Gln. WT 13C15N Asn plus 12C14N Gln, KO 13C15N Asn plus 12C14N Gln, WT 12C14N Asn plus 13C15N Gln, KO 12C14N Asn plus 13C15N Gln

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