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Fig. 2 | Cancer & Metabolism

Fig. 2

From: Characterization of the molecular changes associated with the overexpression of a novel epithelial cadherin splice variant mRNA in a breast cancer model using proteomics and bioinformatics approaches: identification of changes in cell metabolism and an increased expression of lactate dehydrogenase B

Fig. 2

Graphical representation of the connection networks generated from the 50 proteins identified. Results obtained with IPA. In networks a 1, b 2, c 3, and d 4, the symbols of the proteins that are part of the list of the 50 identified by 2D-DIGE and MS have a specific color, whereas the ones incorporated by the IPA program as connectors are indicated in white. The function of each of the molecules is also represented by a specific form. For example, in network 1, the NISCH symbol corresponds to cytokine or growth factor, REV1 to enzyme, estrogen receptor to group or complex, PDIA3 to peptidase, AIP to transcription factor, CRABP2 to transporter, TUBA1B to another. In network 3, the symbol assigned to CLCA2 means ionic channel, the one of AKT1 corresponds to kinase, ESRRG to ligand dependent on nuclear receptor, and PGAM1 to phosphatase. Considering the type of connection, the full line indicates direct interaction between two molecules and the dotted line refers to an indirect type of interaction; the direction of the arrows indicates the direction of functionality. The numbers in parentheses located over each connector indicate the amount of scientific works that corroborate the association between these two molecules and the letters specify the type of union through which they interact, such as A: activation, E: expression (includes metabolism and synthesis of chemicals), L: proteolysis (includes degradation of chemicals), LO: location, M: biochemical modification, P: phosphorylation/dephosphorylation, PD: protein-DNA binding, PP: protein-protein binding, PR: protein-RNA binding, RB: regulation of the union, T: transcription

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