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Fig. 5 | Cancer & Metabolism

Fig. 5

From: Restoring gluconeogenesis by TEF inhibited proliferation and promoted apoptosis and immune surveillance in kidney renal clear cell carcinoma

Fig. 5

PGNG + ECs were well-differentiated and hyper-chemotic in bulk- and scRNA-seq. A–B T-SNE plots of epithelial cells of KIRC tumor scRNA-seq which were colored by CytoTRACE pseudotime (A) and PGNG expression status (B). C Boxplot of CytoTRACE pseudotime between PGNG statuses. D Dot plot of cells incoming and outgoing interaction strength calculated by CellChat. E The interaction number (left) and strength (right) from PGNG + / − ECs to all cells. F Dot plot of CXCL12-CXCR4 interaction from PGNG + / − ECs to immune cells in KIRC scRNA-seq dataset. The dot color represents the communication probability. G Dot plot of CXCL12 and PGNG ssGSEA score in TCGA KIRC transcriptome dataset. The Spearman correlation coefficient and p-value were annotated in the left-top corner. H KM plot of the CXCL12 gene. The expression group was determined by median value of CXCL12 gene. I Dot plot of TEF and PGNG ssGSEA score in TCGA KIRC transcriptome dataset. The Spearman correlation coefficient and p-value were annotated the left-top corner. J KM plot of the TEF gene. The expression group was determined by median value of TEF gene. K Violin plot of TEF expression in scRNA-seq dataset between PGNG + / − ECs. The gray line indicated the mean value of TEF expression of PGNG + / − ECs. ****P < 0.0001

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